Osteochondrosis of the thoracic region

Doctors diagnose thoracic osteochondrosis on the basis of x-rays

The human spine is its support in the literal sense of the word. It is designed in such a way that it can withstand heavy loads. In the event that a different type of negative influence is exerted on the body, thoracic osteochondrosis develops.

Osteochondrosis is a disease in which the intervertebral discs lose their elasticity, elasticity and strength, in other words, their dystrophic and degenerative changes occur. The basis is the violation of metabolic processes in the tissues of the discs. In addition, there is a change in the structure of the vertebrae themselves.

The suitability for use of the term "osteochondrosis of the spine" is now contested, as is the cancellation of all back pain due to this problem.

In the international classification of diseases of the 10th revision of the nosological unit "osteochondrosis" it is not, but the term still exists among doctors.

Degenerative-dystrophic changes in the thoracic spine do not develop so often, they can mimic the symptoms of somatic diseases.

If pain occurs in the left chest, even if it increases with inspiration, associated with movement, electrocardiography is mandatory to rule out acute coronary syndrome.

What is the disease

Thoracic osteochondrosis is the rarest form of unnatural changes in the spine. The fact is that, unlike the lumbar and cervical regions, the thoracic region of the spine is supported and strengthened by the ribs.

Osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine is less common than other forms of this condition, as the thoracic spine is reinforced with ribs.

Symptoms are often similar to heart disease, as well as pleural disease.

The diagnosis is made on the basis of X-rays, CT, MRI. Treatment is selected to relieve symptoms and prevent further degradation of the spinal cartilage.

Even significant loads cause minimal damage to the vertebrae in this area. However, the main danger to the vertebrae in this area is a prolonged sedentary state.

Such osteochondrosis causes a change both in the vertebrae themselves and in neighboring organs. Disease onset is usually mild, without acute pain. At the same time, it is extremely difficult to identify osteochondrosis in the thoracic region due to its peculiarity of impersonating other diseases.

Most often, this pathology can be confused with:

  • angina pectoris;
  • illnessesGastrointestinal tract(gastritis, ulcer, colitis);
  • illnesseshearts;
  • inflammationappendix;
  • renalcolic.

With a comprehensive examination, it soon turns out that the symptoms of other diseases are not confirmed, while there are clear signs of one of the degrees of osteochondrosis.

The prevalence of the disease

The risk group includes workers of any type of business. Most often, thoracic osteochondrosis (GO) occurs in people over the age of 55, but among young people it is also possible to see the first signs of the development of the disease. In the sample surveyed by doctors, 38% were men and 62% were women.

The initial phase of HO occurs in 71% of respondents. Osteochondrosis is the most common cause of disability in the active population. There are 33 to 165 cases per 100 workers per year. Those. in many cases, within a year, a person has multiple relapses, requiring sick leave each time.


The development of thoracic osteochondrosis goes through several stages:

  1. Tissue dehydrationdiscs,due to this they lose flexibility and elasticity. At this stage, the discs are gradually flattened and changed, they are still able to withstand the load, but the person already feels unpleasant sensations.
  2. Dehydrated crackingfibrousdisc rings. When the position of the body changes, pronounced pain is felt.
  3. The gapthe outer shell of the disc, the nucleus pulposus exits, forming a hernia, which touches the nerve roots extending from the spine, in such a situation acute pain occurs.
  4. Convergenceadjacent vertebrae, their displacement, flattening and growth.

Osteochondrosis is divided into several degrees:

  1. Illness1 degreediagnosed as a rupture of the intervertebral disc, when acute pain occurs in the sternum, comparable to an electric shock, while the muscles are extremely tense.
  2. 2nd degreecharacterized by the appearance of disc protrusion, when part of it begins to press on the nerve roots, but the nucleus pulposus is still intact and does not come out. This degree of osteochondrosis proceeds in a constant alternation of exacerbations and remissions.
  3. In3 degreesthe pains are permanent, as the nerve endings are subject to incessant irritation. At this stage, there is numbness of the limbs, severe headaches, arrhythmia, insomnia, increased nervousness due to poor general health.
  4. In4 degreesirreversible transformations are observed in the vertebrae, after their convergence and modification, the spine loses its mobility in this place.

Depending on the degree and stage of the disease, symptoms and other factors, a suitable treatment method is selected.


Osteochondrosis occurs for a variety of reasons, but the most common:

  1. Excessiveweightbody. The spine is unable to constantly support too much weight.
  2. Wrongnutrition.Due to the small consumption of foods containing calcium and the simultaneous consumption of food, which causes its leaching from the body, bone tissue is destroyed. The vertebrae gradually wear out. In addition, if the diet lacks a sufficient amount of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, the intervertebral discs suffer, which lack these important micronutrients.
  3. To smoke.The use of tobacco disrupts metabolic processes in the body, and this has a significant effect on the state of the intervertebral discs.
  4. Violationposture.A systematic violation of the normal position of the spine leads to scoliosis, which in turn provokes osteochondrosis.
  5. SedentaryLifestyle. Sedentary work and the lack of any physical activity lead to the fact that the muscles of the body lose their tone. They relax and cannot fully support the spine, causing it to bend.
  6. increased physiqueload.Most often they happen to professional athletes, however, in everyday conditions there are such situations. If a powerful effect is exerted on the spine, it is possible to change the position of the vertebrae, the formation of protrusion and hernia.
  7. Geneticpredisposition. Quite often, similar pathological disorders in the vertebrae and discs are found in close relatives.
  8. Agechanges. Over the years, the body stops synthesizing glycosaminoglycans and other important compounds that give elasticity to the intervertebral discs. Bone tissue becomes porous and brittle, which means that the vertebrae are prone to deformation.
  9. TraumaBack. Even a slight injury to the spine does not pass without a trace and gives rise to transformations in the vertebrae.

In addition, hormonal disorders in the body, hypothermia and infectious diseases can become an impetus for the development of osteochondrosis.


Since thoracic osteochondrosis is similar in symptomatology to many other diseases, it is rather difficult to distinguish the signs. However, doctors agree that the obvious symptoms of osteochondrosis can be considered:

  • pain betweenribs;
  • pain in the upper partArts,accompanied by a feeling of tingling and numbness;
  • pain deep insidebreathing;
  • pain when you tryto liftbut no;
  • inability to commit from the body to the bodytiltin one direction or another;
  • convulsionsin the muscles;
  • pallorskin due to improper functioning of nerve endings;
  • sensationlumbagoback.

Attacks of pain increase at night, with a decrease in body temperature, when turning the body.

Since the pain can radiate to the anterior superior breastbone, it is often confused with heart pain.

Pain in the vertebrae of the thoracic region
Vertebra n. What parts of the body is associated with What a cause
D1 Trachea, esophagus Cough, asthma, arrhythmia
re2 Palms, wrists, hands Pain in the chest, palms and arms
RE3 Chest, pleura, lungs, bronchi Pneumonia, pleurisy, asthma, bronchitis
re4 Bile duct and bladder Jaundice, gallstones
D5 Solar plexus Jaundice, poor blood clotting
D6 Liver Ulcers, gastritis, digestive problems, liver dysfunctions
RE7 12 duodenum, pancreas Stools, digestive disorders, ulcers and diabetes
D8 Diaphragm, spleen Weakened immune system, allergies
D9 Adrenal glands Weakness, fatigue, kidney problems
D10 Kidney Infertility, digestive problems, diseases of the female genital organs
D11 ureters Kidney disease, urinary problems
D12 Fallopian tubes, inguinal rings, colon and small intestine Infertility, diseases of the genital organs, faecal and digestive problems

With osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine, 2 common syndromes can be observed: dorsago and dorsalgia.

Dorsago is a syndrome accompanied by severe, sharp and sudden pain in the sternum. The usual inhalation, exhalation and attempts to turn the body in one direction or another are accompanied by painful sensations. This syndrome often occurs in people who have to spend a lot of time in one position, leaning forward.

Back pain - unlike Dorsago, it develops imperceptibly, for about a month. It is characterized by throbbing pain and discomfort in the chest. The pain increases in the dark, with deep breathing and an uncomfortable position of the body.

Where does it hurt? How does it manifest itself?
Otherwise A constriction in the back and chest is felt, it becomes difficult to breathe, pain is felt when breathing and flexion, sometimes felt in the region of the heart and left sternum
Neck Hands go numb, voice hoarse, breathing is difficult, head hurts, dizziness, vision and hearing are falling
Small of the back Cold feet syndrome, spasms of the lower limbs, increased sweating, genitourinary system abnormalities, lower back pain - dull or sharp

Specific and rare symptoms of breast osteochondrosis:

  • sensationmassin the throat, pain in the larynx and esophagus, occur if the disease affects the upper chest;
  • symptomspancreatitis,cholecystitis occurs when the middle thoracic region is affected;
  • pathologyintestinesis able to simulate the defeat of the lower thoracic region;
  • intercostalneuralgia,arising from the violation of the roots of the intercostal nerve, the pain in this case is of a shingles nature. It is easy to confuse neuralgia with many diseases of the internal organs;
  • pulmonarysyndrome - expressed by symptoms of hypoxia and congestion in the lungs.

During the course of the disease, both many and almost all symptoms can be observed at the same time, and they change depending on the stage of thoracic osteochondrosis.

The difference in pain in osteochondrosis, heart attack and angina pectoris
Factor Osteochondrosis Heart attack angina pectoris
Intensity Pain less often severe, more often mild Strong to unbearable Weak
Duration Long: a day or more Several hours or days 1 to 15 minutes
Position Left sternum, back, area between the shoulder blades Neck, behind the breastbone Neck, behind the breastbone


The main methods for diagnosing thoracic osteochondrosis are:

  1. X-ray.In the images obtained with the help of her, there are usually the following signs: an altered shape of the vertebral body; the presence of bone growths; reduced height of the intervertebral discs; uneven contours of the plates; thinning of the spinal canal; degenerative processes in the structure of the spinal column.
  2. Computertomography. It is necessary in difficult cases to obtain a complete 3D model of the spine.
  3. Neurophysiologicalmedical examination. Tendon reflexes and muscle nerve conduction are evaluated (electroneuromyography).
  4. Studybloodto determine the level of calcium in it.

Since thoracic osteochondrosis is quite difficult to diagnose, you should know its main symptoms in order to consult a doctor in time.

First aid for exacerbation

If it becomes necessary to get rid of an attack in a short time, experts recommend sticking to a number of recommendations.

First of all, the area where the pain syndrome occurs must be warmed up. For this, it is better to use special medicinal ointments. Doctors strongly advise against the use of herbal decoctions, as there is a possibility of severe burns. A wool shawl or scarf works best for a warm compress.

Next, it is necessary to take a position of the body that does not provoke the manifestation of unpleasant sensations. It is recommended to lie down on a hard surface such as the floor.

At the time of an exacerbation, it is necessary to apply a tight bandage on the chest.

Taking a drug with an analgesic effect will help stop or reduce the severity of the attack.

If, after 60 minutes, the state of health does not improve, it is necessary to call an ambulance. When the doctor arrives, he should be informed about the use of painkillers.


Treatment of thoracic osteochondrosis includes a number of the following procedures:

  1. Anti-inflammatorynon-steroidal medicines: they help suppress inflammation and relieve pain. If necessary, hormonal preparations are added.
  2. Muscle relaxants- relax tense muscles.
  3. sedativesmedications - to reduce anxiety and irritability caused by constant pain.
  4. Diureticmedications to relieve swelling.
  5. Medicinesto stimulate blood circulation.
  6. Chondroprotector.Medicines prescribed to accelerate the regeneration of cartilage tissues - insufficient evidence base, the effect is individual.
  7. Acupuncture.Acupuncture specialists are able to relieve pain in osteochondrosis by affecting specific areas of the body.
  8. Physiotherapy.
  9. Manualtherapy. An experienced chiropractor can improve blood circulation, relieve muscle spasm, and stop the development of osteochondrosis.
  10. Massage.It is permissible to use this method of treatment in the absence of a herniated disc.
  11. Ultrasonictherapy.
  12. Electromagnetictherapy.
  13. Mud therapy.
  14. Elongation.Thanks to this method, the muscles and spine are stretched up to 1. 5 mm. This, in turn, leads to the decompression of nerve endings, while the inflammatory process is eliminated, the pain disappears and local blood circulation increases.

If standard treatment doesn't work or a herniated disc has formed, surgery is rarely needed.

The diet should include dishes that are natural chondroprotectors: jellied meat, jelly, puddings, strong broths cooked with lamb and beef.

All doctors say swimming is essential for maintaining spinal health. This type of activity allows you to evenly distribute the load throughout the body, help align the spine, strengthen the back muscles and generally improve the health of the body. However, it is worth remembering that in the presence of a hernia, such a method of recovery is excluded while an exacerbation is in progress.


If 1st degree thoracic osteochondrosis is diagnosed, regular exercise will allow you to deal with the problem without resorting to medication. Also, to get a positive result, it is recommended to perform gymnastics for at least 4 months.

To cure the disease, it is recommended to perform the following exercises daily:

  • tilt the body forward, alternately bending the lower limbs;
  • perform side pushups in turn by raising your hands;
  • simultaneously raise the upper and lower limbs in a prone position;
  • tilt the body forward, reaching with the hands the foot that is on the opposite side.

Each of the exercises is repeated 10 times. It is allowed to make 3 approaches.

Experts give another set of exercises:

  1. Stand up straight. Raise your arms as you inhale and lower them as you exhale.
  2. Sit in a chair with a back. Inhale and pull your shoulders back so that your shoulder blades are as close to each other as possible. Bend your lower back slightly.
  3. Get on all fours. Lift your right leg and left arm off the floor, straighten and carry away. In this position, you need to linger for 15 seconds. After that, take the starting position and do the same on the opposite limbs.
  4. Do the "cat" exercise. To do this, you also need to take a position, standing on all fours, bend in the lower back and bend up.

Each must be done 15-20 times. If during any exercise painful sensations appear, it is better not to do this.

After the muscular corset becomes stronger, the specialist will recommend moving on to more complex exercises.

It should be remembered that during the period of exacerbation of the disease, the load should be minimal, but you should not completely abandon classes.

Consequences and complications

Complications with the onset of thoracic osteochondrosis are not uncommon, since at first the disease is latent and asymptomatic, it can be recognized when it has progressed significantly. The following complications are distinguished:

  • compulsionvertebral canal;
  • overgrowthbone tissue of the vertebrae;
  • spondyloarthrosis(thoracoarthrosis, dorsarthrosis);
  • inflammationnerve roots of the spine;
  • vegetative-vasculardystonia.

The nature and severity of the complications depend on the timeliness and correctness of treatment. At the same time, at a young age, it is more often possible to avoid the consequences.

Methods of prevention

Therefore, there is no separate prevention of osteochondrosis; it is generally necessary to take care of the spine to prevent any changes in it. Therefore, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. not to allowwoundvertebral column. Athletes must carefully calibrate the load and use sports belts and corsets to support the spine. People whose work involves physical activity must strengthen their back muscles to support the spine.
  2. Perform a complex of specialsgymnasticsexercise. It is necessary to normalize blood circulation in the spine so that the intervertebral discs do not suffer from a lack of the necessary trace elements. When you work sedentary, you need to get up at least once an hour and do some warm-up.
  3. At the slightest typical sign of spinal diseases (tingling, numbness, low back pain), it is necessary to requestconsultationto a neurologist.

It is necessary to take care of the health of the spine, adhere to moderate physical activity, avoid bad habits, eat a balanced diet and drink more fluids. All this will help prevent changes in the vertebrae and discs between them and keep the spine in good condition for a long time.

Answers to common questions

Which doctor is treating?

At the first symptoms of the manifestation of the pathology, it is necessary to contact a vertebrologist or a neurologist. To prescribe complex treatment, a consultation with a traumatologist will also be required (if the cause of the disease is a bruise, trauma, fractures), an osteopath (determines the area of the spinal injury), a rheumatologist (inflammation in the connective tissue) .

How long does a flare-up last?

The duration of the acute phase can vary from 3 to 14 days. In the absence of therapeutic measures, relapses can constantly recur, causing gradual damage to new areas.

In what position to sleep?

Experts recommend taking a lateral position in the position of the embryo. It is also allowed to sleep on the back, but in this case the internal organs can put pressure on the thoracic region. Sleeping on your stomach can cause neck pain.